How Much Do Plumbers Charge to Snake a Drain


Dealing with a clogged drain can be a frustrating experience, disrupting your daily routine and causing inconvenience. When faced with a stubborn clog that won’t budge with simple solutions, it’s time to call in the professionals. However, before you pick up the phone, you might be curious about the cost of hiring a plumber to snake your drain. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the factors that influence drain snaking costs, provide you with an overview of average pricing, and answer common questions to help you make an informed decision.

1.1 What is Drain Snaking?

Drain snaking is a plumbing technique for removing stubborn clogs from drains and pipes. It involves using a flexible auger, commonly known as a drain snake, to navigate through the pipes and dislodge or break up the clog, allowing the free flow of water.

1.2 When Do You Need Drain Snaking?

Drain snaking is typically necessary when simple remedies like plunging or using chemical drain cleaners fail to clear a clog. If you notice slow drainage, gurgling sounds, or foul odors coming from your drains, it may indicate a deeper clog that requires professional snaking.

1.3 The Importance of Professional Drain Snaking

While there are DIY drain snaking tools available in the market, it’s often best to leave the task to professional plumbers. They possess the experience, expertise, and specialized equipment required to effectively identify and tackle the root cause of the clog, minimizing the risk of further damage to your plumbing system.

2.1 Severity of the Clog

The severity of the clog plays a significant role in determining the cost of drain snaking. Minor clogs that can be resolved quickly will be less expensive compared to severe or deep-rooted clogs that require more time and effort to clear.

2.2 Location of the Clog

The location of the clog within your plumbing system can affect the pricing. Clogs closer to the surface, such as those in kitchen or bathroom sinks, are generally easier to access and resolve, while clogs in main sewer lines or underground pipes may require more extensive work.

2.3 Accessibility of the Plumbing System

If your plumbing system is easily accessible, with clear and straightforward access points, it can reduce the labor and time required for the plumber to perform the snaking. In contrast, hard-to-reach areas or complex pipe configurations may increase the overall cost.

2.4 Time of Service

Emergency or after-hours service calls for drain snaking may incur higher costs due to the urgency and inconvenience associated with such situations. It’s advisable to schedule routine maintenance or non-emergency snaking during regular business hours to avoid additional charges.

2.5 Additional Repairs or Replacements

In some cases, a clog may be an indication of an underlying issue, such as damaged pipes or tree root intrusion. If the plumber discovers any additional repairs or replacements needed during the snaking process, it will contribute to the overall cost.

3.1 Cost Range for Basic Drain Snaking

On average, basic drain snaking services can cost anywhere between $100 and $300, depending on the factors mentioned above. The complexity of the clog and the time required to clear it are significant cost determinants.

3.2 Cost of Additional Services

Additional services that may be required alongside drain snaking, such as camera inspections to identify hidden issues or hydro jetting to clean the pipes thoroughly, will incur extra charges. Prices for these services can range from $200 to $500 or more, depending on the complexity.

3.3 Cost of Emergency Drain Snaking

Emergency drain snaking during weekends, holidays, or after-hours can cost significantly more than regular service calls. Expect to pay an additional fee ranging from $50 to $200 for emergency services.

3.4 Cost of Drain Snaking vs. Other Drain Cleaning Methods

Compared to alternative drain cleaning methods like chemical cleaners or hydrojetting, drain snaking generally falls within the mid-range of pricing. While chemical cleaners are more affordable, they are often less effective for stubborn clogs, while hydrojetting tends to be more expensive but offers a thorough cleaning of the entire pipe.

4.1 How long does drain snaking take?

The duration of drain snaking depends on various factors, such as the severity of the clog, accessibility, and the skill of the plumber. On average, a straightforward snaking job can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, while more complex cases may require several hours.

4.2 Will drain snaking damage my pipes?

When performed by a professional plumber, drain snaking should not cause damage to your pipes. The flexible drill used in snaking is designed to navigate through the pipes without causing harm. However, if pipes are already weakened or damaged, there is a slight risk of further deterioration.

4.3 Can I attempt to snake the drain myself?

While there are DIY drain snakes available, it’s generally recommended to leave drain snaking to professionals. Mishandling the equipment or using excessive force can damage pipes or produce ineffective results. Hiring a licensed plumber ensures the task is done correctly and minimizes potential risks.

4.4 Are there any preventive measures to avoid clogged drains?

To minimize the occurrence of clogged drains, it’s advisable to avoid disposing of grease, food scraps, or other debris down the sink. Regularly using drain screens or filters can help catch larger particles, and periodic maintenance, such as pouring boiling water or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain, can prevent minor build-ups.

4.5 What should I do if the clog persists after drain snaking?

If the clog persists even after professional drain snaking, it may indicate a more significant issue within your plumbing system. To identify and resolve the underlying cause of the persistent clog, it is recommended that you contact a plumber for further inspection and assessment.

4.6 How can I find a reliable plumber for drain snaking?

To find a reliable plumber for drain snaking, consider seeking recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have had positive experiences. Research local plumbing companies read customer reviews, and ensure the plumber is licensed and insured and offers warranty or satisfaction guarantees.


Understanding the factors that influence the cost of drain snaking can help you budget for this essential plumbing service. The severity of the clog, its location, accessibility, time of service, and potential additional repairs all contribute to the overall pricing. By hiring a professional plumber, you can ensure the clog is efficiently cleared while minimizing the risk of damage to your plumbing system. Remember, preventive measures and regular maintenance can help prevent clogs, reducing the need for costly snaking services. Bathroom Hut is the largest bathroom supplier; check out our huge range of bathroom fixtures.

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